Want a quick answer to your question?
Before you email us, check below as your answer may be there! If you have a question that isn’t answered below, please keep scrolling to reach our contact form.
I'm looking for a pet ball python. Do you have any available?
Check out our available ball pythons page! These are all our available or soon to be available snakes. We promise there are none others hiding in the wings!
Some snakes on hold may be listed there. This is because the snake has not been paid for fully; occasionally holds fall through, so we keep them online until they are officially sold.
When will you have more ball pythons available?
Check out our upcoming morphs page! Any eggs currently in the incubator are listed, along with the morphs that will potentially be hatching from them.
Our news and updates page contains info about when the eggs arrived- once we have eggs, it’s two months till hatch date!! You can also sign up for our mailing list to be among the first to be notified when new babies hatch!
Can I come visit the snakes? What is your store's address?
We do not have a store front. We are just small hobby breeders doing this from our home for the love of ball pythons! Please read our about us page to learn more about this.
As for visits, we welcome buyers to come pick out a ball python or meet the snake they purchased from our website, but we are unable to accommodate recreational visitors. While we did allow this at one point, the demand for home visits has gotten too high for us to keep up with. We loved having people by, but because this is our hobby, our free time is quite limited, and first and foremost, it must go towards caring for our snakes!
Note: Due to Covid, we are not doing home visits at all at this time. We are happy to send you more photos and a video if you would like a better look at a snake though!
Can I put a deposit down on a snake? How do holds work?
You can! Simply get in touch using the contact form below. Please let us know the ball python or morph you are interested in! We accept deposits for the following:
- Any animal on the available ball pythons page without a hold
- If there a clutch of eggs hatching soon that may contain a morph you want, you can put a deposit down to hold that morph (fully and promptly refunded if your desired morph is not produced)
Holds are 25% down and can be sent via your choice of etransfer or Paypal. The remaining 75% is due in four months. If we are shipping your snake to you, the cost of shipping is also due before we send them out. We are happy to hold onto them for longer if weather doesn’t permit us to ship to you at the time. To read our hold terms and shipping policies in detail, read our full terms here.
Email Form
We’re happy to answer your question about ball pythons, snake keeping, or anything else that comes to your mind! If you’re interested in a particular morph or our future breeding projects, we also have a waitlist form for our more popular morphs.
All ball pythons for sale are listed on our Availability page here. We promise we aren’t hiding any. If you want to know what snakes we have available, it is faster for you to simply click that link and see what’s available rather than emailing us asking what we have, waiting for us to reply back, and then read our reply, which will be us sending you that link!
Instagram @geminipythons